Saturday, November 3, 2012

8.1; Stuck

Curtis and I had a long talk today about whether or not we should be even trying to help Sheryl. We didn’t make much progress on finding her daughter, before, and now I’m not sure that we should bother. From that girl’s tumblr, she was at least a Scarlet-Marked, if not a Vessel too – I wouldn’t let her anywhere near her mother. I should be trying to do something, shouldn’t I? Just because you can’t kill a Vessel doesn’t mean I should do nothing.
When I said we could try draining the Red Cap out of her system, he was like, “Wouldn’t it just need somewhere else to go?” and then said something about me being the probable next choice for a Vessel. I don’t think it works like that – if I were a Vessel, I’d have the Cap inside me already. That’s how I got the Mark, after all, and if I’d been a Vessel I just would have Red Capped out. So, in that case…it’d just go right back in Sheryl and repair her body. It’d be useless.
Then she’d probably kill us, and when I said that, Curtis went totally silent again. He hasn’t spoken a word since this afternoon when we took a break from reinforcing locks and he said one of us should go check on Windmill.
That horse hates me. He likes Curtis better. It’s really irritating and I’m trying not to let it get to me but I swear to fucking god it’s starting to make me so crazy that I just can’t I almost want to but I won’t, he’s Blair’s horse and for fuck’s sake what am I even thinking
It’s building up in me, again. I almost had to be physically restrained about an hour ago, or else I might have tried to hit on the next person to walk by my room. When it gets like this and there are so many other people around, it’s like I can’t control it…this stupid impulse takes over and I can’t do a goddamn thing to make it stop.
And the dreams are making it so much worse
Seeing Blair straddling Curtis like that is just plain fucking hot
Even if I were normal, and even if Blair was still alive, how could I not feel
I hate those dreams, more than anything. I would give literally anything to make them stop. Leave me the fuck alone, Miss Cleo – I can’t take another night of your lies.
Also, I know Blair didn’t become your Scion, no matter what you show me. S/he wouldn’t do that. S/he was too strong for that, and you knew it.

Dispute Against Madness


  1. She didn't become a Scion because dead you idiot.

    Course it's always possible that the Archangel and the Vision will team up to fuck with you.

    1. Stupid mistake Coward, you forgot to leave your name.

      ~The Coward

    2. HEE~! You really think even a Scion could have survived that?!

  2. Theoretically if one drained Little Red Riding Hood out of someone they could drain It into some sort of container it couldn't get back out of without aid.

    Or try to burn it. Thermite makes a lot of problems go away.

  3. Just kill her and safe yourself some time, she's becoming a liability, fuck it you will be doing her a favor, and in the end she won't lose, she didn't suicide and didn't get killed by any of those fucks.

    But I know you won't do it, so might as well ignore this comment.

    On a side note, I think the horse hates both of you...that's my poor attempt at cheering you up.

    - Mr. Incognito.

    1. It's the 'how' in the killing-her process that's the problem, Stephen Hawking.

      I can take the proxy trolls, but don't you freaking act like you know what I would or wouldn't do.

    2. I'm not acting like I know what you would or wouldn't do or act, I don't know you, I'm basing all of this from all the blog entries you have posted here. Yes you were numb, stone cold, had no feelings toward anyone, but when you met them your emotions came back, or developed a new if you may, and now, I presume you wouldn't be able to kill her because your emotions would get in the way, you did say that you had some sort of connection with her.

      All of this you expressed yourself on this very blog that I and many others read, so don't get mad when we make presumptions, besides that comment was a compliment of sorts, you appear to be still working like a human being, which is really good. Means you might have a chance at normal life once all this fiasco ends.

      So, in some sense I commend you, not everyday people can come back from abyss of emptiness.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    3. I was never numb.

      I was always pissed off.

    4. Well that changes things a bit, oh well my apologies if I misunderstood something.

      But a suggestion, a piece of advice if you may, I know I said kill her, seeing as you can do it no problem, seems like a better course of action, would be easy. But don't, that's one step closer to throwing your humanity away, from there on you wouldn't be able to return to normal life if this whole Fear shit would ever end.

      Don't take this as a lecture, or a life lesson, no, I repeat, I don't know you, to lecture you, just a friendly advice.

      Keep the chance, you seem like the kind of person who deserves it, I know I didn't.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    5. Yeah, you're still missing the 'how'. Humanity can go fuck itself - we're in a war against things that can't even comprehend humanity. Killing Sheryl wouldn't be easy. I might try proxiehunter's idea, try to bleed the Red Cap out of her and put it in some kind of container...

      But that's assuming it will actually leave Its host body, rather than repair it. Unless you force it out somehow.

      Ugh I don't know.

      As for what I deserve? I deserve to have died in Blair's place, that's what I fucking deserve.

    6. I recommend suction. Perhaps a high powered vacuum cleaner or something. And of course a blood transfusion on standby. For either disposal after removal or if you deem necessary for killing her and hopefully removing the threat of the Red Cap spreading to someone new I recommend what seems to be swiftly becoming my all purpose solution to problems that can not be stabbed. Immobile target, cover with as much thermite as available, ignite. A substance that burns at 2,519 °C (4,566 °F) solves more problems that you'd think. It's easily made with commonly available materials and will not explode or self ignite. You can light it with a fucking sparkler left over from the 4th of July. Just remember this shit doesn't go out just because you poured some water on it. Without vast quantities of sand to smother it it's going to stay burning until it's burned out.

  4. Well Blair died instead, so there's no point in weeping about it now.

    As for the The Red Cap removal, you also have to consider into a fact that it can get to another person if your not too careful, that person can be ten times stronger than Sheryl.

    So yeah there's that dilemma.

    - Mr. Incognito.
