Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Violent Explanation.

Alyssa has been fixating more fiercely than normal, for her, and I fear the result has alienated Sheryl entirely.
I learned late that, in trying to conduct an experiment based on something recommended to her, Alyssa had stabbed Sheryl, leaving hardly a mark when the Red Cap repaired Its host (or ‘Blood Vessel’, I believe is the term).
“He’ll explain,” Alyssa didn’t let go of my arm; she had seized me upon coming to get me from my room, and seemed unwilling to let go.
Rather than question her, I thought it best to just cooperate.
“Well?” Sheryl had a touch of panic, to her, as though she had reached the end of her rope. “What’s the Red Cap?!”
From her tone, I can tell it was a question she’d asked several times.
“The PRE known as the Red Cap is, from what I understand, a sentient ooze that is similar in color to blood, though thicker and capable of spreading amongst humans like a disease. A host body, or Vessel, contains the Red Cap in place of blood, essentially becoming a hollow body; the Red Cap’s consciousness steadily overtakes that of the original person’s, until what most humans know as a ‘soul’ is extinguished. The phenomenon has much in common with mythological demons and vampires, and like an STI, the Red Cap is spread through Vessels through sexual contact.”
“It also repairs the body It’s in,” Alyssa indicated Sheryl with the point of her knife. “If I can cut you open and suction the fucker out of you, pour it into something else…”
“She would die, Alyssa. She would be left empty – if the Red Cap is inside her, she’ll be hollow, there won’t be anything left to keep her organs alive.”
Sheryl was growing steadily more pale…and Alyssa was no better, twin trails of blood starting to drip over her mouth and down her chin.
She let go of me, but I offered her my sleeve; better she bleed into that than all over the floor, I thought.
“We’ve got no choice,” she snapped; her voice was muffled by my shirt. “Either we let you die, or you kill us all.”
As horrified as Sheryl appeared, lost to panic, she seemed to recognize that Alyssa spoke the truth.
I took Alyssa back to her room and I’m giving her time to calm herself down. We’re going to continue discussing our options.


  1. It appears the choice is slowly going towards the battlefield, rather then life, whatever.

    Curtis, do you truly believe there is a different option? Because, as of right now, I don't really see any that would be safe, except for killing her. But then again, my research isn't too big so I might be missing a couple of solutions.

    From what you said about the Red Cap, I believe I imagine how it operates and must ask, if burning stops it for good?

    - Mr. Incognito.

  2. As I said, with a blood transfusion on standby it may be possible to remove it and leave Sheryl alive. The hard part is making sure none of it escapes, either into her or slithering out the door to find a new host body. If it's not removed the person everyone knows as "Sheryl" will die anyway and leave someThing wandering around in her old body to torture, kill, and infect.

  3. You could try and introduce Sheryl to a Fragment. I'm interested in knowing what would happen should such an event occur.

    In fact, there's a blog that provides you with a Fragment should you read its contents.

    1. That doesn't strike me as advisable. Another PRE in our lives is the last thing we need.

    2. One mustn't be afraid to test, Mr. Lloyd. Put one... 'PRE' against another, and there's a possibility that you could get rid of both threats.

      But I do see your point. Fragments tend to be annoying, and should it transfer to the wrong person, it'd turn into a very messy situation.
