Tuesday, November 6, 2012

9.1; Suck the poison out

In order for them to take the Red Cap out of Sheryl completely and leave her alive – which I personally don’t think is necessary but I’m through freaking arguing about it – they need to transfuse as much blood into her as possible, while they’re vacuuming the sex sludge out.
Curtis has O+, so he’s giving Sheryl some of his blood. I lost my cool, a little bit.
I asked if he felt sorry for her, and he gave me this look, like, “I can’t feel anything and you know that,” and I threw one of Windmill’s horseshoes at his head. He dodged, so it wasn’t a big deal, but I broke another window.
I can’t be around when they do the procedure (blood, Cap exposure, all that bullshit) and Ivory’s the one doing the procedure…I think the bitch-face who wants us thrown out, John, is also providing blood…
And I’m supposed to be fixing the window, right now.
Instead I’m talking to the Internet like it will be any fucking help to me.
I bet Blair would have given Sheryl blood, too
Fuck this I’m going for a walk. I don’t want to think about all the shit that could go wrong. Curtis would make a fucking terrible Scarlet-Marked.
Ha maybe we could be on the run together from our Marks in this sexually tense celibate relationship, where periodically we’d snap and fuck each other’s brains out until we both came screaming Blair’s name.
That’s the Mark talking… Fuck I wish I were an alcoholic.

Dispute Against Madness


  1. Be careful what you wish for.

    And that's the last time I use such a cliché line.

  2. As if you losers would survive long enough to fuck, and scream Blair's name.

    It's more likely that you'll masturbate to pictures of xer and then get savagely killed while cumming.
