Monday, October 22, 2012

5.1; Rage

Curtis just doesn’t speak, and if it weren’t for the whole ‘earn your keep’ aspect to this place I know he wouldn’t even be getting out of bed, and me, I’m just
Most of what I do around here is repairing my own damage, and I know I can’t let this get the better of me. Things feed off rage and Windmill can pick up on it, whenever I get close, but fuck, that horse is the ONLY THING that calms me down now.
I just finished putting the door to my room back on its hinges after it was ripped down, and Sal keeps giving me these looks, like he knows I did it. But that one, I didn’t do. Something just tore the door off its hinges and…it left me Blair’s scarf.
I don’t know what pissed me off more. The fact that someone disturbed Blair’s body when we haven’t even cremated her remains or that someone could have taken other things off hir. If I catch who did it I’ll murder them.


  1. I remember Blair. Hen was a good person. Moral, not afraid to stand up for what hen and hen's friends. Blair shall be truly missed.

    The person... the THING... that desecrated Blair's corpse... that person is inhumane. May sound hypocritical from a being who commits mass acts of terrorism and mass murder to the tune of a fairy tale, but... but I really liked hen.

    If you ever find this person, rip out their eyes, cut off their testicles (if they have any) and switch them. Then proceed to do what you wish. That's my two cents on it.

    Hope you find this S.O.B.


  2. Replies
    1. Then, no matter what it takes, no matter how deadly it may be... make the Fear be afraid of YOU.

      That's all I can say...

      Tale Weaver
