Saturday, October 20, 2012

Defying The Things I Know.

There is so little I remember, but sometimes, I feel there is so much that I know, hiding in the recesses of my woefully blank brain.
Blair defies the things I know.
Xe regained consciousness – just barely – as we left the motel. I have…no words to describe what it was like.
I don’t understand how xe even managed to survive, much less awaken. Xe was remarkably lucid…there were only a couple of times where xe seemed confused, or needed to be gently reminded or corrected over xir surroundings.
Windmill was clearly thrilled – I hadn’t been aware an animal could emote so much. Canines, perhaps, but not horses. He whickered and seemed unable to keep still – not restless, just energetic.
It took a great deal of effort to calm him down. Xe was able to do so with far more ease than either Alyssa or I could ever have managed.
Unfortunately, xe could only fight to stay awake for so long. Blair drew both Alyssa and me forward (though in truth, we were probably both hovering so much it could have driven xim mad) and kissed us both.
I think xe had been about to say something…but xe couldn’t keep xir eyes open any longer.
We found somewhere to rest, for now. Alyssa thinks she has an idea, as to where we can go, and is busy charting a route. If we move fast, she thinks Blair could be given medical attention by someone ‘aware’ – there are places Runners can go, where they will not need to come up with elaborate lies.
I can only hope we get there in time.

1 comment:

  1. Did I just fist pump after reading the start of the forth line? Because I'll do it again.

    And I can totally call where this is going!


    I think.

