Saturday, December 22, 2012

The World Goes On.

Alyssa was genuinely concerned that the world would come to an end yesterday, at the whim of the PRE known as ‘The Quiet’.
Needless to say, it did not come to pass, much to my relief.
Alyssa voiced concerns over it, though.
“I kind of wonder whether or not it’s for the better, or worse. The world not ending, I mean. At least The Quiet would have been quick…and non-existence sounds kind of peaceful. Better than some of the alternatives.”
“Alternatives such as?”
“You know. Heaven, Hell, Limbo. Reincarnation to do all this shit again a second time around – ugh, no thank you, I’ve dealt with enough in this one lifetime… I don’t want a second lifetime worth of shit…”
“…Where do you think Blair went?”
She went quiet, then, and I regretted asking.
Strange, though, that I don’t remember concepts such as ‘Heaven’ or ‘Hell’ so well, anymore; were those not things taught to us as children?
I suppose, actually, it makes sense, for all the random facts that are in my head, those that are easily grasped by those who are prepubescent still escape me.
It’s embarrassing, and…difficult to think about.
I have been so caught up in this world of PREs that I had forgotten how it bothered me, to be out of touch with the rest of the world.
I suppose PREs have become my reality; maybe that’s the most pitiable part of all.

1 comment:

  1. Heaven? Hell? Did Mr. Magoo make her forget about the existence of Archie? Shit, if I thought the hell described in Sunday school existed anymore I'd prefer THAT to what we actually KNOW comes after death.
