Sunday, December 30, 2012

7.2; Because I have no one else to tell

It feels…stupid, I guess, to be writing. I guess it’s just like…who else have I got to tell, right? I don’t know whether or not Curtis has just lost it, or if he’s finally making sense, or if I just don’t know how to grieve. Plus, part of me thinks it’s stupid that I’m not over this already. People die. A lot of people die.
So why should one in particular shake my whole world? Why can’t I make this empty feeling go away completely? Ignoring it just…isn’t working.
Obviously, Curtis is the same way. He’s got his head stuck in this space of hating not knowing who he is – which I argue, maybe that’s for the better, because he’s a decent guy now. I was like, “What if you don’t like the guy you used to be?” and he was just, “I still need to know who that was.”
And then he started reading the blog again. I mean, this one. Not my posts, he promised, but his own, and Blair’s, and that’s when he got this idea stuck in his head.
He doesn’t have a lot of hope for finding Clara, but he wants to investigate Ambrose Bierce. The two most important people to Blair, and all we know about them are the things we’ve read online. Ambrose Bierce vanished, back in 1913. It’s dumb to think a couple of proxy Hunters might be able to solve a case that’s now, literally, a century old…but, one of us is an Archivist. I think this is their forte.
Of course, the hitch is, we’d need better access to information.
So, anyone know any good, ‘safe’ libraries?

Dispute Against Madness


  1. Never seen a bone spider or confirmed Archivist at Hackley library in Muskegon Michigan. And believe me, I've looked for them. Don't need the little kiddies getting brain wiped when they're there for story time.

    1. Not to imply the rest of the town is in any way safe with the Slenderproxies, Willing Dolls, Camper, and Timberwolves. So much to stab so little time.
