Monday, October 29, 2012

7.1; She's in my dreams now

I’ve been running around this hostel like crazy, trying to keep myself distracted and keep from being angry and the whole fucking time, Curtis was useless. He’d just sit, stare at nothing, drift – he’d do things if I physically forced him, but for the most part, he might as well have been chained to the bed. Then there’s Sheryl – I can’t even care that she’s still got some of ‘herself’ alive, in there, she’s still a piece of the thing that turned me into this.
I’m getting edgier every day and I can’t fucking bear it. I thought I caught the doctor looking at me, yesterday, and I nearly shoved my tongue down her throat. I was this close to giving into the temptation just out of spite. I know on every other level that it’s not her fault that Blair is dead and that if we’d been faster to find hir, or if we had forced Blair into making a different decision – that was hir sacrifice, s/he chose that horrific death just to spare us and…
The Vision has been coming to me. I know it’s Her… I’ve memorized everything Blair ever said about Her in hir posts, and there’s no doubt that it’s her. When I sleep, she doesn’t do anything other than show me the things Daisy Chain did, and I wish to go it was all just a regular nightmare because…it’s made me vomit three times, now, and Blair lived it.
The part I don’t know for sure whether or not is true is
Hold on. Hear something in Curtis’s room

1 comment:

  1. Well shit... Not as bad as having your body do it against you command, but still... that leaves a foul taste in my mouth.

