Sunday, October 7, 2012

Message Received.

‘The Screaming Tower’.
Neither Alyssa or I have the faintest idea how to find it.
Sheryl had enough money to rent us a single room at a cheap motel, for the night, and we were fortunate in that the owners are ‘used to odd occupants’; they did not bat an eye over Windmill, though the older gentleman remarked that his eyes must have been going, because our horse seemed to have a blue tinge.
While she had offered to help, already, Sheryl took an even greater interest in Blair’s message when Alyssa began to explain what she already knew.
This Tower is the dwelling of the Wooden Girl, producer of Dolls. We are still uncertain as to whether or not Sheryl’s Doll is linked, but it seems likely.
I have been delegated the task of online research while Alyssa scours television channels, looking for something; she says that, as an Archivist, she is uncertain as to whether or not I will be able to view the channel in question.
She also refuses to broaden her explanation past:
“I’m looking for a show I watched when I was really little. Just trust me, it’ll help.”
Blair, if you see this, we’re working on finding you. Your message helped, and we promise you, we won’t sit back while you suffer.


  1. Why not? Don't you find this arousing? Or do you miss your little snookums?

    Naw, I want to watch you all have an orgie and cut each other open! <3


  2. I assume your friend is talking about something called 'Tower TV'. I've only seen a few references to it and only one or two in my friend's documents. I did a quick search on Google and found this blog: .

    I skimmed it and it seems that it might have some information regarding this channel. Maybe it'll help.

    Sorry I can't be of more help.

  3. If Schle's trapped in the Screaming Tower, this is gonna be hard for you. I'm searching for a way in, but I can't guarantee I'll find anything. Don't do anything too stupid. Blair's counting on you.

  4. I hate that show on that channel but can't stop ever watching it...

    I don't like that channel at all.

    I think he's better off dead.


  5. There was a time when I knew the channel you were looking for, but that time is long past.

    This will be anything but easy.

    I wish you luck.

  6. Unless they've started re-runs you won't be finding Candle Cove. You might try looking for something I've heard of called Playtime with Mikey instead.

    1. "Playtime with Mikey" It does sound familiar... Like a cheap Barney knock-off, only with a saggy monkey costume, right?
