Sunday, October 14, 2012


There is nothing that can help us. No hints or explanations and certainly no freaking maps to this FUCKING TOWER. It’s been a week with no progress, and we can only imagine what’s happening to Blair.
Daisy Chain hasn’t been putting any other news on her blog, and we’re stalking it religiously. We’re waiting for a single sign that she’s killed hir, and so far there’s nothing. I can’t even tell what I want anymore. I hope Blair is dead. I hope s/he isn’t dead and that there’s hope, but I haven’t got a freaking clue how that would even be possible at this point.
I haven’t felt like such a stupid, helpless little girl since I quit hooking. I couldn’t prevent this from happening, I can’t figure out what’s going on with that creepy doll of Sheryl’s which I swear to god is watching me right now, and I can’t even find this fucking show. We’re grabbing motel rooms whenever we can and we’re down to our last twenty dollar bill, and not once have I been able to find ‘Playtime with Mikey’ – how the hell am I supposed to find
Wait shit I think this might be it
I’ll finish this later. 


  1. Or you could, you know, jump a doll, and force them to take you there...


    1. Oh, if only I'd thought of that.

      What a novel and totally original concept. Why didn't I think of doing things to quick and easy way and just torture a Doll into taking me there?

      Oh wait. Of course I freaking thought of that. Tell you what, if you see any Dolls, feel free to send them my way because that seems to be the only hitch in the plan.

    2. Don't you contacts to rely on? If you read our blog, you would know that we are kinda busy and not at home to offer help, if we could do so and not be killed for it.

