Thursday, September 27, 2012

Please Read This.

Blair is gone.
There was no body left behind. We hope this means xe is alive somewhere.
All we found were scraps of bloody clothing, Blair’s knife, and the gun.
Alyssa is furious with me.
She can’t hate me more than I do.
If anyone sees anything related to Blair’s dream, or Blair, ximself – please contact us. Immediately.
I’m unaware how many people know what Blair looks like; xe is dark-skinned, with distinctive tear-shaped scars on xir cheeks, longer scars along the sides of xir face. Xe stands at perhaps 5’9, xe has dark eyes and hair that is quite closely shaved to xir head, and xe was last seen in a dark gray shirt, a brown hooded sweater, jeans, and a long scarf. At night in colder weather, xe also sometimes wears a hat.
For obvious reasons, we cannot go to the police to file a Missing Persons report. So I instead implore anyone who reads this to look for Blair, instead.
Most of you probably won’t. To you, I only ask that you send us any information you happen upon, even if you don’t seek it out.
This includes any information you may have on this Willing Doll, who may or may not be someone Blair knew as ‘The Hanging Man’.


  1. I hope to fuck he doesn't end up in Australia. Not that I care about him being in a land where things want you dead, but that everyone on the Internet will annoy me about it.


  2. Well fuck. I'm a bit preoccupied, but I'll keep an eye out.

  3. David Grant: I'm in a bad situation myself but I'll do my best to find xim. Here's to Blair, the kindest runner out there.
